# ZilNames: Zilliqa Name Service Documentation

# Introduction to ZilNames

ZilNames is Zilliqa's domain name service, offering human-readable names with the .zil extension. Similar to Ethereum's ENS, ZilNames allows users to replace complex wallet addresses with memorable names, making transactions and identification within the Zilliqa ecosystem simpler and less error-prone.

Features include:

  • Human-readable names (e.g., myname.zil)
  • Reverse resolution (wallet address to name)
  • Profile avatars
  • Cross-application compatibility in the Zilliqa ecosystem

# Contract Details

ZilNames uses L2Resolver contracts deployed at the following addresses:

Zilliqa Mainnet: 0x5c0c7BFd25efCAE366fE62219fD5558305Ffc46F
Zilliqa Testnet: 0x579C72c5377a5a4A8Ce6d43A1701F389c8FDFC8e

# Helper Functions

# Namehash Function

While most libraries like viem provide a namehash implementation, here's how the namehash algorithm works:

import { keccak256 } from "viem";
import { toUtf8Bytes } from "viem/utils";

// Implementation of ENS namehash algorithm
function namehash(name) {
  let node = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
  if (name) {
    const labels = name.split('.');
    for (let i = labels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      const label = labels[i];
      const labelHash = keccak256(toUtf8Bytes(label));
      node = keccak256(new Uint8Array([...hexToBytes(node), ...hexToBytes(labelHash)]));
  return node;

// Helper to convert hex string to byte array
function hexToBytes(hex) {
  const bytes = [];
  for (let c = 2; c < hex.length; c += 2) {
    bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16));
  return bytes;

# ZilNames Basic Integration

# 1. Forward Resolution (Name → Address)

To resolve a .zil name to an address, you'll need to:

  1. Calculate the namehash of the name
  2. Call the addr function on the L2Resolver contract
import { namehash } from "viem/ens";

// Function to resolve a .zil name to an address
async function resolveNameToAddress(name, client) {
  // Ensure name has .zil suffix
  if (!name.endsWith('.zil') && !name.endsWith('.test.zil')) {
    throw new Error('Invalid name format: Must end with .zil or .test.zil');
  // Get appropriate contract address based on name
  const isTestnet = name.endsWith('.test.zil');
  const contractAddress = isTestnet 
    ? "0x579C72c5377a5a4A8Ce6d43A1701F389c8FDFC8e"
    : "0x5c0c7BFd25efCAE366fE62219fD5558305Ffc46F";
  // Calculate namehash
  const node = namehash(name);
  // Call contract
  try {
    const address = await client.readContract({
      address: contractAddress,
      abi: L2ResolverAbi,
      functionName: "addr",
      args: [node],
    return address;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error resolving name:", error);
    return null;

# 2. Reverse Resolution (Address → Name)

Reverse resolution requires converting the address to a special reverse node format:

import { encodePacked, keccak256, namehash } from "viem";

// Convert chainId to coin type for reverse resolution
function convertChainIdToCoinType(chainId) {
  // Zilliqa mainnet
  if (chainId === zilliqa.id) {
    return "addr";
  // Zilliqa testnet
  else if (chainId === zilliqaTestnet.id) {
    return "80002105";
  // For other chains, apply BIP44 derivation
  const cointype = (0x80000000 | chainId) >>> 0;
  return cointype.toString(16).toLocaleUpperCase();

// Convert address to reverse node
function convertReverseNodeToBytes(address, chainId) {
  const addressFormatted = address.toLowerCase();
  const addressNode = keccak256(addressFormatted.substring(2));
  const chainCoinType = convertChainIdToCoinType(chainId);
  const baseReverseNode = namehash(`${chainCoinType.toLocaleUpperCase()}.reverse`);
  const addressReverseNode = keccak256(
    encodePacked(["bytes32", "bytes32"], [baseReverseNode, addressNode])
  return addressReverseNode;

// Resolve address to name
async function resolveAddressToName(address, chainId, client) {
  // Get appropriate contract based on chainId
  const contractAddress = chainId === 33101 
    ? "0x579C72c5377a5a4A8Ce6d43A1701F389c8FDFC8e" 
    : "0x5c0c7BFd25efCAE366fE62219fD5558305Ffc46F";
  // Calculate reverse node
  const addressReverseNode = convertReverseNodeToBytes(address, chainId);
  // Call contract
  try {
    const name = await client.readContract({
      address: contractAddress,
      abi: L2ResolverAbi,
      functionName: "name",
      args: [addressReverseNode],
    return name || null;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error resolving address to name:", error);
    return null;

# 3. Avatar Resolution

ZilNames also supports avatar images stored in the text records:

import { namehash } from "viem/ens";

// Function to get avatar for a .zil name
async function getAvatar(name, client) {
  if (!name) return null;
  // Get appropriate contract address based on name
  const isTestnet = name.endsWith('.test.zil');
  const contractAddress = isTestnet 
    ? "0x579C72c5377a5a4A8Ce6d43A1701F389c8FDFC8e"
    : "0x5c0c7BFd25efCAE366fE62219fD5558305Ffc46F";
  try {
    // Get the avatar text record
    const avatar = await client.readContract({
      address: contractAddress,
      abi: L2ResolverAbi,
      functionName: "text",
      args: [namehash(name), "avatar"],
    if (!avatar) return null;
    // Handle IPFS URLs if needed
    if (avatar.startsWith('ipfs://')) {
      const ipfsGateway = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/";
      const ipfsPath = avatar.replace('ipfs://', '');
      return `${ipfsGateway}${ipfsPath}`;
    return avatar;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error fetching avatar:", error);
    return null;

# React Integration Example

For React applications, here's how you might implement hooks to use ZilNames:

import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { namehash } from 'viem/ens';
import { Address } from 'viem';

// Hook to resolve wallet address to .zil name
function useZilliqaEnsName({ address, chainId }) {
  const { data, isLoading } = useQuery({
    queryKey: ['zilname', address, chainId],
    queryFn: async () => {
      if (!address || !chainId) return null;
      const client = getChainPublicClient(chainId);
      const addressReverseNode = convertReverseNodeToBytes(address, chainId);
      try {
        const contractAddress = chainId === 33101 
          ? "0x579C72c5377a5a4A8Ce6d43A1701F389c8FDFC8e" 
          : "0x5c0c7BFd25efCAE366fE62219fD5558305Ffc46F";
        const zilname = await client.readContract({
          abi: L2ResolverAbi,
          address: contractAddress,
          functionName: "name",
          args: [addressReverseNode],
        return zilname || null;
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching Zilname:', error);
        return null;
    enabled: !!address && !!chainId,
  return {
    name: data,

// Component using the hook
function UserDisplay({ address, chainId }) {
  const { name, isLoading } = useZilliqaEnsName({ address, chainId });
  if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  return (
      {name ? name : `${address.slice(0, 6)}...${address.slice(-4)}`}

# Full L2Resolver Contract Interface

The L2Resolver contract implements the following key functions:

  • name(bytes32 node) - Gets the name for a reverse record
  • addr(bytes32 node) - Gets the address for a forward record
  • text(bytes32 node, string key) - Gets a text record value (e.g., avatar)
  • setPubkey(bytes32 node, bytes32 x, bytes32 y) - Sets public key
  • setAddr(bytes32 node, address addr) - Sets forward record
  • setText(bytes32 node, string key, string value) - Sets text record

Most applications will primarily use the resolution functions (name and addr), but the contract supports a full suite of ENS-compatible functionality.

# Working with Different Chains

ZilNames operates on both Zilliqa mainnet (for .zil domains) and Zilliqa testnet (for .test.zil domains). To determine the appropriate chain:

function getChainForZilname(username) {
  return username.endsWith('.test.zil')
    ? zilliqaTestnet
    : zilliqa;

# Conclusion

ZilNames provides a user-friendly naming system for the Zilliqa ecosystem. By integrating ZilNames into your application, you can offer users a more intuitive experience when interacting with blockchain addresses.

For more information, visit zilnames.com.